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Sustainable High Performance Keynote Speaker


The current system of knowledge work is broken - excessive workload and the relentless demands of social mobile technology have eroded our capacity to innovate and thrive. 


I advise industry leaders on how to create sustainable, high performing teams and organisations. I am passionate about helping companies foster environments where both individuals and teams can succeed. 


Every client that I work with ultimately wants high performance. They want everyone to raise the bar. 


In an era when, according to Gallup, 80% of the workforce is somewhat often or always burnt out, the million dollar question is - “How do you build high performance in a sustainable way? 


The answer seems counterintuitive - optimal performance is performance that recognises its limits. To build sustainable high performance, the focus should be on balancing hard work with regular renewal. 


Individuals should pay attention to their body's signals to avoid burnout and schedule time for deep work without interruptions. By making sure to set aside time for rest and recovery, leaders and their teams can stay productive and motivated over the long haul.


In my keynote speeches and workshops, I focus on boosting both productivity and wellbeing, helping companies create a culture of sustainable high performance during times of demanding change.

Scott Wheatley

Head of Financial Consulting, Deloitte​

"Ronan gave the key-note speech to all 200 of our Senior Financial Services Consulting Leaders on the topic of ‘resilience versus endurance’. Our Leadership Team are still talking about it and it has prompted a very healthy and open discussion about how we build resilience for ourselves and our people.
Thank you Ronan – you were brilliant."
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